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2 Results For 'drifting apart'


October 25, 2011 @ (California)

Tags: Pain, Drifting apart

I met him just over 2 years ago, on my first day at a new high school. I was 15, and he was 16. He was amazing. He was literally my everything. I started failing all my classes, because I was so preoccupied with him. I was so insanely in love with him. Everything was perfect. We were perfect. For a year we were together. He was my best friend. We were so happy together, all the time. Everybody told us how perfect we were for each other. I gave him my virginity, and him me. He was the only person I'd ever loved. And then.. all the sudden things changed. Right around the one year mark, things started crashing down. We realized that soon, high school would be over for him, and he would be leaving. We talked about moving out together when I turned of age, but that brought up the issue of marriage. He didn't want to be married so soon, and he didn't want children. I didn't want to be married then either, but in the future, I did. I also wanted children.. After that, things stopped being amazing. We stopped talking to each other. I mean, we still talked daily, but we never said what needed to be said. After a month of being together simply because it was the easiest option, I ended it. Today, actually. I still love him, with all my heart, but things changed, we both became two completely different people along the way.. Somewhere in the mess off it all I realized that maybe the point in me loving him wasn't for us to be together forever.. Maybe it was to teach me that somethings just aren't meant to be, no matter how much you try and force it.



October 23, 2010 @ (glen allen)

Tags: funny and dramatic

my boyfriend and i started out really happy. then we started drifting apart. he started acting like a jerk and i felt really self concious around him. we tried to talk about it but we never had time alone. eventually we broke up:( we stayed friends for like a day and then we had a huge fight. im not going to go into too much detail but lets just say i called him a jerk and he cussed at me. anywho, we ended up apologizing and we bacame friends again. eventually we both realized that we both still feelings for one another so we tried to start dating. on our firat date of the second try we only talked about why we broke. we ended up having another huge fight and we broke up again. i thought that wuz the end of ojr entire relationship. we finally made up and now were super great friends again. Just so that you know, this all happened within a week. every now and then ill have a sudden urge to like him and ask for him back but i just brush it off and move on